Addiction does not discriminate on the basis of race, social standing, profession, or income. Americans from all parts of the social spectrum in virtually every community have experienced the consequences of addiction in some form, whether personally, within a family, or among friends or coworkers.
Addiction also commonly affects people in important professions. Many people working high-stress jobs face a higher risk of addiction than people working in less demanding employment sectors.
Substance abuse can be a major barrier to success and happiness. It can become a lifelong addiction that requires professional intervention if the person wants to recover and begin living a healthy life. There are many programs and support groups available for those who want to lead a sober lifestyle, but some people need more drastic aid than just attending meetings and making phone calls.
Confidential, Professionally Guided Interventions For Professionals
A professionally guided and structured intervention is possibly the most effective method for motivating any high-profile professional to accept substance abuse treatment. Doctors, lawyers, business executives, and other professionals typically look for treatment options that offer reliable results and confidentiality.
Almost every substance abuse treatment center promises confidentiality to every patient, but this is especially important when treating higher-profile professionals. These individuals often face a much greater risk by admitting their addictions and entering treatment. Without help, they may face significant professional consequences and jeopardize both their careers and their families.
Executive interventions can help professionals struggling with substance abuse confront and address their addictions in supportive, positive environments. Unlike typical interventions that involve close friends and family members, executive interventions usually take place in an employment-related setting such as a boardroom or conference room, and participants often include the person’s coworkers, supervisors, and sometimes even company executives. If a member of a company’s C-suite has an addiction, the other company executives will likely take leading roles in his or her executive intervention.
Consequences of Substance Abuse For Professionals
Substance abuse and rehab unfortunately carry negative social implications in the U.S. Many American professionals like doctors, attorneys, and company executives have difficulty accepting the reality of their situations when addiction manifests, and many others develop high-functioning substance abuse disorders that may continue for years before these individuals start truly feeling the effects of addiction in their professional lives.
Confidentiality is of the utmost importance when dealing with an executive intervention. The individuals in these positions need discretion, otherwise they risk significant blowback from their local communities and possibly even licensing or certification organizations.
Some professionals who develop substance abuse disorders may eventually lose their professional credentials, the right to practice their professions in certain areas, and their standings within their local communities if an addiction spirals out of control.
What Is An Executive Intervention?
An executive intervention is an intervention that places a special focus on the subject’s professional life. In most cases, the subject’s supervisors and colleagues come together to plan and carry out an executive intervention. While the purpose of a typical intervention is for the participants to inform the person with addiction how their behavior has negatively impacted the participants’ lives, the purpose of an executive intervention is to focus on the subject’s professional life and their addiction may have compromised their career.
Executive interventions help companies retain top talent and ensure company leaders get the help they need to overcome their addictions and do their best possible work.
Contrary to popular belief, if an attorney, doctor, or high-powered executive develops a substance abuse disorder, their coworkers and supervisors would likely prefer that they get help and return to work rather than simply be fired.
Sometimes, an executive intervention precedes disciplinary action and offers the person with addiction another chance to get help before suffering professional consequences.
An executive intervention can also be extremely beneficial to a struggling professional who has already gone beyond the influence of friends and family. Perhaps a family-focused intervention already took place and failed, or the subject does not have much of a personal life and instead devotes his or her time and energy to a career.
When a professional with a substance abuse disorder sees colleagues and supervisors come together to encourage him or her into treatment, the experience can be an extremely valuable wake-up call that finally convinces the person that they need to make a change.
Working With A Professional Interventionist
An executive intervention requires careful planning and preparation. Professional interventionists can provide an unmatched level of guidance and support during the planning and execution phases of this type of intervention. Whether it’s personally or professionally focused, an intervention is not something that can be successful with minimal planning. Substance abuse is a serious issue and planning an intervention for substance abuse requires extensive thought and consideration.
The organizers of an executive intervention must take time to find an appropriate time and location, work closely with a professional interventionist who will host the intervention, and help all participants prepare for the difficult but necessary conversations with their struggling colleague.
Offering Support, Confidentiality, and Job Security
The main goal of an executive intervention for a medical professional, attorney, business executive, or high-performing employee is to encourage them to seek treatment so they can return to work healthy and better able to handle the rigors of intense work.
Many people in high-stress jobs fall into substance abuse to cope with daily stress and increase productivity, but this is not a tenable lifestyle and eventually a professional’s substance abuse will have consequences in the workplace.
It is best to plan and execute an intervention before an addiction reaches a tipping point. It is possible for high-profile professionals to suffer severe work-related consequences if a substance abuse problem eventually leads to harming a patient or client or failing to perform job duties effectively.
An executive intervention has the potential to be a turning point in the person’s life that allows them to receive treatment confidentially and discreetly. This way, they can get the assistance they need and return to work.
The purpose of the intervention is to confront the addict and encourage them to enter rehab or another addiction treatment program for their health. It is crucial that the person who intervenes does not have contact with the substance user before the intervention, because those with addiction commonly resist help when they know it’s coming.
With Addiction Treatment Group, a professional intervention in Maine or another state along the East Coast can take the form of a counseling session for an addict. Whether an intervention is focused more on work or personal life, it can lead to lasting hope for recovery. Give us a call us today and see how we can help: 888-972-8513