Drug addiction or substance abuse is no doubt a very difficult matter to come to terms with, more so for those who are around the addicted person rather than the person him/herself. Family and friends would rather ignore the topic and brush it under the proverbial rug. However, that can cause immense problems for everyone concerned. If drug addiction is not openly discussed, then coming to a solution at hand is incredibly difficult. The Addiction Treatment Group encourages family and friends to look for signs of drug addiction and try to get treatment before the problem is exacerbated. There are a number of drug and alcohol treatment centers in Philadelphia, which treat many types of addictions and have several rehabilitation programs for addicts.
What to look for— Recognizing the signs.
The first step in approaching a loved one with an addiction problem is to recognize the symptoms. Rash and irrational behavior, irritability, bad performance in school or at work, depression, anxiety, and fighting are all behavioral signs of drug and alcohol abuse. Instead of making excuses or turning a blind eye towards such behavior, it is important to connect with our drug and alcohol treatment centers in Philadelphia for help. Our addiction treatment centers have enough experience to advise you on how to approach the addicted person and broach the topic of addiction. It will be uncomfortable and difficult but it needs to be done.
Other signs you need to check for if you suspect substance abuse:
1. Temporary blackouts or memory loss
2. Bloodshot eyes, flushed skin and changes in pupil size
3. Changes in appetite, weight and sleep patterns
4. Changes in physical appearance, hygiene or grooming habits
5. Unusual smells on breath, body or clothing
6. Lack of motivation, lethargic or spaced out
7. Tremors, trembling hands, slurred speech or impaired coordination
8. Unexplained need for money, borrowing or stealing money and financial problems
9. Secretive and/or suspicious behaviors
Your health is as important
Initial shock and being upset about a loved one’s substance abuse is normal. However, negative feelings such as anger, guilt, frustration, judgment and feeling helpless can act as a barrier towards helping your loved one out of the problem. You need to take care of yourself first. Don’t feel shy or embarrassed about asking for help. Seek out a trusted friend or family member, or if you’ve approached any addiction treatment center, they’ll help you cope with the problem as well. It is important not to dwell on the negative and have a more active approach towards drug addiction eradication.
We need to talk
When you finally come to terms with the reality, it is the right time to approach your loved one. In as calm a manner as possible, discuss the problem and try working out a solution. You need to realize that you cannot control such behavior so you cannot be on the offensive. There should be no blame game as that will take you nowhere. Try to be as nonjudgmental and open minded as possible as that is what your loved one needs the most. If you are on the offensive, then the talk can escalate into arguments or worse and your loved one will retreat into further drug abuse and talking about it again would be very difficult. The most important point is to listen to them.
Professional involvement
If your loved one refuses to get help and maintains his/her destructive behavior, then help can be sought out in the form of professional intervention. The opioid abuse treatment centers has professionals who can meet with family and friends to join and mediate a conversation with the person who has the addiction. We will educate the group about different scenarios and how best to approach them. A trained professional teaches the intervention group how to communicate effectively so that your loved one seeks appropriate help.