Would you help a friend stop using drugs?

Friend Stop Using Drugs

Would you help a friend stop using drugs?

The NIDA Blog Team

“You Said It” is a periodic series based on real teens’ answers to the NIDA for Teens poll questions. Check out our current poll on theNIDA for Teens homepage.  You can also check out article about Opioid Crisis in America.

Drug use among teens is mostly down. But some teens are still choosing to use drugs, sometimes with deadly consequences.

If you have a friend who’s using drugs, have you thought about trying to help your friend to stop or to get help? If you answered “Yes,” you’re not alone. In response to our recent poll question31 percent of teens agreed with the statement, “I have tried to help a friend stop using drugs.”

It’s natural and admirable to want to help a person you care about. We’ve written about what you can do when a friend might have a problem with drugs or alcohol. Often, the most helpful thing you can do is just listen to your friend and show you care. You can also talk to a trusted adult for advice.

Sometimes, you might have to step away from the friendship for a while to protect your own health; for example, you should not be expected to join friends at parties where drugs are available, just so you can keep an eye on them or drive them home.

In all this, it’s important to remember that it’s ultimately up to your friend to get help, with support from the adults in your friend’s life. This isn’t a burden you can or should handle. You probably have enough teenage issues of your own to deal with.

Your support can be helpful, for sure. But you can’t force your friend to talk about what’s going on, acknowledge having a drug or alcohol problem, or get help. It’s not your fault if those things don’t happen. This may sound obvious, but it can be easy to forget when a friend’s health is involved.

Remembering what’s in your control—and what isn’t—can help you to care about others and stay mentally healthy yourself.

Scientist closer to finding link to drug addiction.

If it looks like your friend could be at risk for serious trouble, including driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or having suicidal thoughts, talk to an adult you trust immediately. If your friend feels unable to talk to a parent, suggest contacting the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. This can help your friend connect with people who can help.  You can also try helping addict find a professional interventionist to get together family members with addict to set a plan to help addict get sober.

We're here to help

Helping someone with drug addiction isn’t easy. We have the experience to help. All calls and emails are confidential.  

The struggle against addiction to any substance is never an easy battle, but you can overcome it with the right intervention service tailored to your needs.